ADOT Kids - Biology

ADOT Kids - Biology

Biology Articles

A hummingbird visits a purple flower in a field.

Pit stops for pollinators bring native plants to Arizona highways

Did you know that ADOT helps to grow new plants by planting the seeds of native plants along state highways? ADOT gets rid of unwanted, invasive plants along roadsides to help maintain and encourage growth of native plants. 
A desert tortoise eats a shrub in the desert. Saguaro cactuses are in the background.

How ADOT works with desert tortoises

ADOT helps support tortoise populations by paying attention to where these shelled reptiles may burrow near highways. Before highway construction projects begin, environmental specialists survey the area to identify tortoises that may be living there. Construction and maintenance workers are trained to look for tortoises, too.

Oracle Road project benefits wildlife, motorists and cyclists

The State Route 77 (Oracle Road) project west of Mt. Lemmon not only adds travel lanes for drivers but has something for bicyclists and wildlife.

ADOT nationally recognized for environmental leadership

ADOT has received a new accolade for its leadership in developing wildlife crossing structures in Arizona.

Check it out: Wildlife underpass installation

We’ve got an interesting time-lapse video to share with you today that shows the installation of a wildlife underpass on SR 86.

ADOT, Game and Fish host major environmental conference

Transportation planners and engineers have a lot to consider when designing or improving a roadway in Arizona. It’s not just about getting people from one place to the next – safety, planning priorities, community concerns, fiscal constraints all get taken into account (along with so many other factors).

US 93 to Hoover Dam project earns top transportation award

We just got some really exciting news about the US 93 project (you remember, it’s the one that improved about 15 miles of roadway south of the Hoover Dam – we wrote about it here and here…

US 93 wildlife crossing honored with environmental award

Over the past several years, ADOT has worked to transform the highly traveled US 93 between Wickenburg to the Hoover Dam from a two-lane highway to an environmentally friendly four-lane, divided highway. A project of this scale will always present its share of issues, but widening the final section – from Kingman to the Mike O’Callaghan - Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge – provided ADOT with an especially unique challenge …